Monday, August 17, 2015

String art

Since years I am interested in string art. There are endless possibilities to weave string on pegs.
I just started the basic forms with pegs and I let my children to play with it.
I think I should make a video for this activity :-)

If you would like to help my work please DONATE to my PayPal donation fund! I use all the money to buy materials for my ideas. No account needed! Thanks!
Handmade with Aniko Donation Fund:

Nail polish and jewelry ORGANIZER

My daughter started to use more frequently her nail polishes and jewelries and I decided to make something cool for her.
I had a lots of dry cat food empty boxes and I knew I could recycle those into a nice organizer.
So here is the video tutorial :-)

If you would like to help my work please DONATE to my PayPal donation fund! I use all the money to buy materials for my ideas. No account needed! Thanks!
Handmade with Aniko Donation Fund:

Milk Carton gift box

After I recycled milk cartons into organizers I realized that I could recycle those into gift boxes.
So here you can watch my brand new idea :-)

If you would like to help my work please DONATE to my PayPal donation fund! I use all the money to buy materials for my ideas. No account needed! Thanks!
Handmade with Aniko Donation Fund:

Small POOL

In this video tutorial I show you how I recycled my old, full of teeny holes plastic pool bottom.

Flower holders

Hi my dear friends! I haven't been here for a long time because of summertime :-) I spent my time with my children and of course we spent our time with a lot of DIY things :-)
I hope you doing well!
In this blog I wanna show you some flower holders, I hope you like them!

If you would like to help my work please DONATE to my PayPal donation fund! I use all the money to buy materials for my ideas. No account needed! Thanks!
Handmade with Aniko Donation Fund: